After talking to my nurse practitioner after Eli's party last night I decided to take the day off. Mom and dad were still in town and it was Eli's birthday. I called Edel and told her I wouldn't be in, she was quite glad to hear I was taking the day off. I'm very lucky to have her in my life. Anyway, I slept in, that made me feel SO much better on its own. So I asked mom and dad if they would like to go to the zoo. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. The weather was great... warm, but not hot and the humidity had taken a break.
One of the best things about going to the zoo with your Gran and Popo is the fact that they don't say no when you ask to do something or pay for something. Eli fed the giraffe, Popo fed the stingrays, goats, everybody fed the birds... it was great. Not to mention Eli got the Manatee and the Rino plastic toys. You know the one I'm talking about... the machines that make them when you put the money in and you are supposed to hold them upside down when they come out so they will dry and cool off without getting mishappened. I NEVER get one as a child, yes we weren't all that well off money wise, but still, haha.
It was a great day. Eli did so great he got to play in the water before we left. Gran and Popo went into the gift shop and Eli played in the water. He fell down skinning his knee... that was a sign he was getting tired and we would need to leave soon. He fell again, and this time it was worse... I got up to get him, in a rush because he was crying got one of my feet tangled in the stroller the other on the bench and WHAM I fell too. I hit both knees, right wrist, and left side of my face. Several moms rushed over to check on me and couple went to get Eli. I was totally embarassed and just wanted every one to go away. I got Eli, he had stopped crying and kept saying, "Momma, you fall down. You ok?" I kept telling him I was fine and that he should go play. I tried to suck it up, but my right hand REALLY hurt. I tried calling Lee, no answer. I tried calling Dad, no answer. I tried calling Mom, no answer. So when I saw how much swelling there was I decided it was time to go. I gathered up Eli, he was POOPED, and went to the gift shop. Mom was in line to pay, thankfully. I waited till she came out to tell her what had happened... and she FREAKED! I know that is what mom's do, haha, that is what got me here in the first place. Dad drove home, we dropped Dad and Eli off at the house and I went to urgent care. I rarely agree to that, but I knew I was hurt. They took three x-rays and couldn't say conclusively if it was a buckle fracture or not. I never heard from the radiologist, so I take that to mean it isn't. The Doctor said if it wasn't broken it was going to be a severe sprain. I had to go through a facial exam too, incase there were any serious problems.
Before that happened... it was a very nice day. We took the rest of the day easy. Dinner was left overs, we had left over cake and Eli opened his last two birthday packages. It was a good day.
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