Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31, 2008

I left early from school today and went rock shopping. I swung by the house picked up Lee and we headed to Seffner Rock and Gravel. It was insane the number of choices they had. It took us quite a while to finally decide on a color, pick out each stone, and put them in the car. I think we got a great day and they look GREAT... I can't wait to get the waterfall running and the filter too. We purchased two little fishes that are currently living in a fish bowl in our bedroom (Eli is quite in love) that will go out into the pond on Wednesday (if they are still alive.) If I can keep those two critters swimming then in a couple weeks I'm going to go get a Koi or two. The rest of my evening is going to be about research for the water plants I hope to purchase tomorrow to live in and around our newest addition.

March 30, 2008

We had a great day at the house. After donut day we came home and did some yard work. Lee put up my bird feeder the Easter Bunny brought me, Eli did some sidewalk coloring and erasing, and Lee mulched his gardens.

After we did a bit of work and had lunch it was nap time. Eli decided not to sleep AGAIN... but while he was resting I had a great idea. I wanted a pond in the back yard. Lee and I went out did some measuring and when Eli got up we did some shopping. While Lee was picking up the liner from Home Depot I took out the sod and started digging the hole.

March 30, 2008


It has been two weeks since we have had a donut day with daddy... and it was a great day. According to Eli the blueberry donuts were exceptionally DEE-lusicious!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

No Date, just cause

I just can't get over how freakin' cute my kid is. I know I think that because I'm his mom, but when we go places and strangers comment... that must make it true, right? Often he is being so good that you can't help but think he is cute... or better yet, you are being good and there is a real brat near by, we have figured out that makes us look even CUTER... if possible!

March 23, 2008 (Easter Aftermath)

So this is what it is like to have the meanest mommy in the ENTIRE WORLD!!! Mommy wouldn't let Eli finish off the entire Crunch Choco Bunny that was so lovingly delivered in his basket this morning. After eating the ears (and they were pretty big ears too) I told Eli that had been enough. He got QUITE upset with me and it became even MORE traumatic when he saw his "hands were dirty."

March 29, 2008

It was Saturday and Lee was on his way back from Atlanta and dropping the boys off with their mother. Eli and I had played in the back yard and gone for a walk. He didn't want to come home yet, but I was very worried he would get to tired while we were out and want me to carry him back home. It was well over 80 degrees and there was no way I could carry him half a mile home. We spotted some chalk art on the sidewalk and I asked him if he would like to "color the sidewalk at home." He was SO excited he almost ran home. I had chalks from last Easter that Gran and Popo had sent. Eli spent almost an hour on the sidewalk and drive way "making pictures for Daddy." He would use every color, then put them back in the box and move to a new place. It was adorable. Of course, mommy being the teacher would try to get him to say the colors each time. The colors are coming, slowly but surely.

March 27, 2008

The boys' last night in Florida for spring break we went and watched Shady and Rebecca's soccer game and then they chose Steak and Shake for dinner. Teddy had an ok time, I had my face onmy camera the entire time but Leslie had a blast. He and Will played soccer the ENTIRE time we were there. When we left, Leslie had very sore feet and a blister or two. He said next time he comes down he will bring his cleats!

March 26, 2008

Since Teddy would be in Florida the week after his birthday we decided to keep his gifts here and have a little party for him. Edel Stephens and the kiddos came over along with Grandma and Grandpa Clarke and every one had a blast. It was amazing how quiet the house got at bedtime, haha.

Dying Eggs... March 23, 2008

Yea... so with the big guys traveling we waited for them to dye eggs. I'm not sure who ended up making the bigger mess Eli or Teddy. Eli had never dyed eggs before and he had an "ok" time I think. He got very frustrated with every one trying to "help" him when he obviously need NO help. He was doing a fine job all by himself. The countertops would look much better with a cast of blue, no green, no pink, no orange... or all of them. When it came down to it... Teddy's side did have a bit more color to it then Eli's, but Eli did do his fair share of creative expression.

I do believe Eli's favorite part of the egg dying was moving them in the carton after they were colored. For half an hour Eli shifted them from one place to another. Sometimes they were by color, sometimes not... whatever happened to float his boat. Every once in a while you would hear him call them by a color name and it seemed like more often then not he was right.

March 23, 2008

It looks as though the Easter Bunny came last night. Not only were there baskets packed with goodies, but there seemed to be eggs ALL over the house.

Leslie and Teddy did a great job leaving the "easy" eggs for Eli and Eli did a great job finding them. The bunny did some pretty impressive shopping this year the big boys got: yoyos, crazy frizbee balls, $15 cash$15 iTunes card, oodles of other "gadgets, candy and eggs stuffed full of change. Eli got lots of fun new toys, playing cards with "my friend Tigger, Pooh" on them, and some giant Magntix. Daddy got a new tape measure, a fun little electric screw driver, and a gift card for Kerby's because the bunny didn't know what kind of tree he really wanted for the back yard, not to mention all sorts of yummy choco. My basket came with a BEAUTIFUL bird feeder. I can't wait to get it put up in the backyard. It is copper and can hold two different kinds of bird feed. It was a good Easter.

Grandma and Grandpa Clarke are coming over later this afternoon for dinner and some family time. I'm making ham, cornbread salad, broccoli cassrole, and dinner rolls. Beth is bringing potato salad and deviled eggs. Oh, and did I mention I have my godmother's icing recipe and I made an Easter Egg shaped cake? It is going to be a good day!

March 16, 2008

THEY ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!
I think they look great, and I really like how they turned out. It took Lee and I two FULL days I mean from wake up till bedtime (ours, not Eli's... he slept through all the hammering and banging right next to his room.)

March 22, 2008

I don't need no stinkin' nap!! Lee was on his spring trek to Atlanta to get Leslie and Teddy for their Easter/Spring Break visit so it was just Eli and I. The travel crew was due home around dinner time and we were heading to the mall for dinner and some Easter outfit shopping so I was REALLY hoping Eli was going to take a nap. He was in his room for two hours... and didn't sleep a bit! But he did let mommy take some GREAT pictures!

March 18, 2008

It is FCAT testing and my special little person at school has seemed especially blue, SO... I thought it was about time give her something special. I "hop" she like it! I sure do love that little person!

March 15, 2008


Eli ate aleast three slices... if not more! Gran joked, "too bad we can't take him to the Rush Springs watermelon festival." I told her... "he would get arrested for dancing to much."

March 15, 2008

Pretty much since Christmas my living room floor has been covered with Thomas, but not just any Thomas... TrackMaster Thomas which must be the biggest one they make. The track pieces are pretty big, atleast 8 inches each and the train cars and engines are 4 or more inches themselves. Eli LOVES playing with it, especially when Daddy makes him a track. Mommy is track-impaired. The "bridge" is the best part. I think Daddy should upgrade this track soon and put in a bridge or two. I guess we should thank Gran and Popo for getting us our first TrackMaster for Christmas...

March 15, 2008

I'm thinking about you, Ben. I hope you like the tulips. Eli picked them, he really likes orange. I think you would have too.